Посібник повії з підкасти щастя - епізод 25: розпакуй себе: знаходи свій шлях до автентичності - з Люпином
3,621 63%
Becoming your authentic self, especially when your authentic desires conflict with the values in your family of origin, can be an incredibly difficult process. At the time of this recording (life is always changing!), Lupin identifies as a queer man, exploring polyamory and porn work. His life wasn't always this way and we talk with him about a beautiful moment of transition in his life, as he continues figuring out his new relationship to these identities and communities. Growing up in a conservative environment in Virginia, Lupin didn't have many connections to queer or non-monogamous people. He faced racial discrimination as a Black man and bullying, the combination of which made it even harder to come out.
Транскрипція відео
Welcome back to a Slut's Guide to Happiness,
where your body is perfectly imperfect,
and it's safe to be as sexual, kinky, queer, or slutty
as you want.
Today, we're joined by Lupin, an amazing videographer,